Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Things I've Learned About Gardening:

  1. It can actually be too hot for things to grow. Depending on what you want in your garden, if you live in Texas, find a way to plant early.
  2. Organic gardening is hard! At my house, insects and fungi thought many of those organic tonics were snacks. Next year: DDT or a flame thrower! (Just kidding!)
  3. Squirrels and birds can eat even more fruit than people do.
  4. Don't plant vine-type plants in a "square-foot" garden without a trellis. They take over everything!
  5. It takes four blueberry bushes to get one pint of blueberries.
  6. If you have a bald spot in your yard, plant a vegetable there. The grass will grow like crazy as soon as you do!
  7. If you use popsicle sticks as plant markers, squirrels and dogs will steal them out of your garden and use them for chew sticks.
  8. If you figure out the price per pound for home-grown food (for those with a toxic thumb), it's probably about $30 a pound. But the experience you gain toward being self-sufficient: priceless!

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