Friday, December 11, 2009

A Treat for Holiday Party Food "Emergencies"

Have you ever had a loved one come to you at 8:30 at night and inform you that he is supposed to take a dish to the office Christmas party the next day? Are you prone to having last minute get-togethers at your house, and there are times that you need to concentrate on doing a quick tidying of your home instead of spending all of your time in the kitchen? Here is a little something that you can serve during these party food "emergencies" that will make you the "hostess with the mostest"! Just keep these ingredients on hand during the holiday season and you will be ready for anything!

Quick But Oh-So-Yummy Cheeseball

Two 8-ounce packages of cream cheese
One 8-ounce package of shredded cheddar cheese
One packet of Hidden Valley Ranch Dip mix
Chopped pecans (optional)

Let the cream cheese set out for about a half hour to soften (it will make it easier to mix). In a large bowl, mix the cream cheese, cheddar cheese, and dip mix. I usually just use a fork to smoosh and blend, and smoosh and blend, until the ingredients are thoroughly mixed together. When it is mixed, form into a ball. The cheese ball can be served "bald" or you can roll it in chopped pecans until looks like it's covered with little ants -- it's great either way.

Store the cheese ball in an airtight container in the refrigerator until it's time to serve it. When it's party time, simply plop the cheese ball in the center of a serving tray and surround it by a sea of your favorite snack crackers and you are ready!

A NOTE OF CAUTION: Do not serve this dish if you are shy; people will seek you out to praise you for your culinary skills and to try and get the recipe!

1 comment:

  1. Ha - that's what I did wrong! I thought I remembered the recipe, but I did only ONE cream cheese package. No wonder it was so strong! Still tasty, though. (:
