Monday, February 22, 2010

Website Alert! "Dinner in a Jar"?

The Old Coot Who Married Me is a member of an amateur radio group, and last Saturday night there was a group social. Since The Old Coot was in charge of the social, I decided that it was important for me to attend as well, mostly to support him. I was so glad that I went! My Friends Jay and Lauren were both there, and as always, it was so great to see them. Even better, My Friend Lauren, who is always on the prowl for new ways to use food storage, was all excited about her latest find. It is such a simple idea, I can't believe that I haven't seen it used in this way before, but I'm glad that I know about it now.

The website that she referred me to is called, "Dinner is in the Jar". The idea is similar to all of the "Cookies in a Jar" that many of us have seen at Christmas: the dry ingredients for cookies are layered in a Mason jar, ready for mixing, and all that you need to do when you are ready for cookies is add the sloppy stuff like eggs and oil. Well, the lady on this website has decided to do the same thing for meals by putting dry ingredients like rice or pasta, along with spices and dehydrated vegetables, etc., in a jar or a sealed mylar bag, and then when it's time to cook, there are just a few "add-ons". The cook book that she offers has the recipes for the items that go in the jar, as well as labels that you can photocopy and attach to your jars that list the add-on items and directions for cooking.

For example, the recipe for "Pasta Soup" lists macaroni, lentils, plus some spices that go into the jar, with the add-ons being simply 1 pint of cooked chicken cubes (I like buying the canned chicken just to have on hand for "crunch" times) and the 10-1/2 cups of water required for cooking. Since I just bought the book, I haven't had a chance to try the recipes yet, but they sure look good, and it is definitely an intriguing idea. "Gan"-"Green Thumb" and I will report back soon with the results of our first dish. In the meantime, please check it out!

1 comment:

  1. I think that's a fantastic idea! That would be a great group activity, too.
