Saturday, October 3, 2009

Help From Someone Who Knows! (The Queen of Food Storage!)

When it comes to striving toward the goal of long-term food storage, no one has helped me more than a lady by the name of Wendy DeWitt, and I've never even met her. She came and gave a presentation in our area a few years ago. I didn't go, but the Old Coot Who Married Me went, and he came home and told me all about it. What I heard changed my attitude about my ability to actually achieve having a decent level of food storage for our family.

For years I had been under the impression that having "food storage" meant having a ton of wheat -- with which I had absolutely no idea of what to do! Wendy DeWitt changed all of that! Her message was simple: store what you eat (plus a few of the basics). Instead of accumulating immense quantities of things I wouldn't normally use, I started looking at what we would normally eat for breakfast and dinner for one week. I then made a list of the ingredients that I would need to make all of those meals and multiplied it by 52 weeks. This would be what I would need to have a year's supply. I could then start buying items while they were on sale, and fill in my menu ingredient list. If you would like more ideas on buying food storage, including setting a food storage budget, The Idea Door has some great ideas!

Is a year's supply a little too overwhelming for you? Then strive for a 3-month supply. Is three months still a little much? Start with striving for a 2-week supply. Why two weeks? Because if there was ever a "health" scare that required a quarantine (is anyone thinking "swine flu"?), you could expect it to last a good two weeks.

The good news is that if you missed Wendy Dewitt's presentation, too, then you can watch it thanks to the internet! She also has a blog that is worth checking out, and she wrote a neat little guide on food storage and solar cooking called, "Everything Under the Sun".

I hope that you find her as inspiring and informative and "Gan"-"Green Thumb" and I have found her to be! She truly is the "Queen of Food Storage" for me!

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